Student Workbook


Our Student Workbook includes activities designed to be taught in less than 45 minutes per week. Lessons are non-sequential, giving teachers the flexibility to pair the lesson with other subject matter and/or current events. My Best Me provides opportunities for students to observe, create, play games, write, share, reflect, comment, and interact thru multimedia activities.

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This is a hardcopy Student Workbook. Shipping will be added at checkout.  Available for Pre-K through 12th Grade. This Student Workbook pairs with the accompanying grade level Teacher Guide.

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Hope delivered through Emotional Intelligence (EI) enhances students’ cognitive competence giving them integrated skills needed to deal effectively and ethically with daily tasks and challenges. My Best Me is a evidence based EI curriculum that can increase the social and emotional skills that will help nurture and support hope in classrooms. My Best Me material is in alignment with EI curriculum.

As educators go through the curriculum with students, there will be a greater level of goal setting, pathway development, and sense of urgency which is necessary for children to thrive both in and out of the classroom. Student participation, uninterrupted classroom instruction, and a superior learning environment are the returns on time invested in hope.