The Science of Hope

happy girl sitting at her desk at school


What is Hope?

Hope is a belief that the future will be better than the present. It’s much more than wishful thinking. Hope is confidence in a better tomorrow and the mindset that each individual plays an integral role in making that future possible.

  • Hope can be learned
  • Hope buffers adversity
  • Hope improves academics
  • Hope is a protective factor against stress


Three Steps to Build Hope

Set Goals

Setting Goals is deciding on or identifying something that you want and value.

Identify Pathways

Identifying Pathways is discovering various ways to achieve your goals.

Cultivate Willpower

Harnessing Willpower is finding the inner force to make the goals a reality

The Missing Link to EI

Bring Hope to Schools

In increasing numbers, educators in classrooms nationwide are seeing more and more children exposed to adversity, stress, and trauma. The impact of this trauma on the learning environment is felt throughout the hallways of schools as students struggle with academic performance, disruptive behaviors, and emotional insecurity.

Teachers, counselors, and administrators are asking for strategies to better support students exposed to high levels of stress and trauma. It is essential to equip teachers with the proper tools to mitigate the trauma and help their students thrive.

Hope is the answer for the student, classroom, district, and the community.

Focused hope interactions enhance personal enthusiasm and increase belief in a better tomorrow. This will arch over to others, boosting their hope level as well. It is infectious.

The Benefits of Hope

Hope is the Answer

Academic Improvement

The science of hope has proven that children with higher hope scores have better grades, attendance, and graduation rates. Hopeful children are more engaged academically and perform better.

Emotional Livelihood

Children who have hope are more capable of self-regulating their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Hope allows them to flourish in their overall well-being.

Decreased Drop-Outs

Classrooms with more hopeful students see decreased numbers of chronic absenteeism, fewer incidences of truancy, and lower drop-out rates, even when controlling for social economic status.

Thriving Teachers

Teachers with more hope are better at implementing strategies to reduce burnout and stress, increasing their ability to thrive in and out of the classroom.

Hope is the belief that tomorrow will be better than today, and that you have the power to make it so.

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