With My Best Me, teachers and school leadership get access to a private dashboard where they can review and monitor results from the Hope Survey. This easy-to-read dashboard showcases the results of the Hope Survey (called Hope Scores) in one secure area.
The dashboard allows educators to compare the data to averages nationwide and analyze the data on a more granular scale within the school, grade level, or classroom. If done in a district setting, it can show the overall level of hope for an entire district. With the data this dashboard provides, teachers can have the awareness they need to succeed in helping their kids.
The results of the Hope Survey can potentially identify a student or students struggling with suicidal tendencies or thoughts. Results can also identify students battling depression or apathy. By identifying those kids who might be struggling, we are ultimately able to give them help, provide them the tools to succeed, and change the course of their current life to thriving.
This Hope Survey showcases the effectiveness of implementing the My Best Me curriculum in schools. However, we know hope to be such an instrumental piece of success in the lives of students, that we believe this tool could save a life from suicide.
The process to complete the Hope Survey is intentionally simple, and takes less than 10 minutes for a student or adult to complete.
There are only six questions on the Hope Survey for students, and eight questions on the adult version.
Access to our Hope Survey is included with every purchase and made accessible to each student utilizing our My Best Me curriculum. Additionally, adult educators are also provided access to the survey, along with their students, to monitor their hope scores, as well.
We know hope to be such an instrumental piece of success in the lives of students. Therefore, we believe this Hope Survey is a tool that can – and will – provide much more value outside of our curriculum, including potentially saving a life from suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Results can identify students battling depression or apathy, so we can give them the tools to succeed and thrive in life.
Research has proven that higher levels of hope equate to better mental health, well-being and emotional regulation, along with improved physical health and higher compliance with treatment. Higher levels of hope are associated with higher social connectedness and even an increase in grade point average, attendance, and graduation rates.